IAIC Bangun Bangsa is a scientific journal publication service platform that aims to increase the innovation of experts and researchers as well as provide a menu publication support system in creating well-known scientific works such as plagiarism checker, proofreading, translation, statistical analysis, formatting & editing of works of art.
Our Conference :
Our Journal :
IAIC Transactions on Sustainable Digital Innovation (ITSDI)
IAIC Transactions on Sustainable Digital Innovation (ITSDI) managed by Indonesian Association on Informatics and Computing (IAIC) and supported by Alphabet Incubator. ITSDI provides media to publish scientific articles from scholars and experts around the world related to the Computer Science/informatics, Computer engineering/computer systems, Software Engineering, Information Technology, and Information Systems, Circular Digital Economy, Cyber Security, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence topics. All URL of published articles will have a digital object identifier (DOI).
IAIC Transactions on Artificial Intelligence
IAIC Transactions on Artificial Intelligence (ITALIC is dedicated to rapidly disseminating actual research results on Artificial Intelligence (AI). This journal contributes to publishing papers related to applying AI in interdisciplinary fields, both basic and applied research. The scope of this journal offers a broad spectrum of topics in tackling the complex methodologies intrinsically related to Artificial Intelligence. The premise is that the principles involve the modeling and representation of relevant aspects of knowledge before implementation or during execution and the required application of AI techniques and concepts.
Blockchain Frontier Technology
B-Front (Blockchain Frontier Technology) is part of Business Digital University of Raharja, managed by Indonesian Association on Informatics and Computing (IAIC) with free and open access supported by Pandawan Incorporation. Publishes scientific journals from scholars and experts worldwide with novelty based on the theoretical, experimental, and numerical framework. The Journal aims to make noteworthy contributions to knowledge across the globe by publishing original, high-quality research articles in Blockchain and the impact of emerging technologies on it. -
IAIC International Conference Series
IAIC International Conference Series (IICS) managed by Indonesian Association on Informatics and Computing (IAIC) and supported by Alphabet Incubator . All URL of published articles will have a digital object identifier (DOI). The open-access IAIC International Conference Series provides a fast, versatile and cost-effective proceedings publication service for your conference. Proceedings are an important part of the scientific record, documenting and preserving work presented at conferences worldwide.
Key publishing subject areas include: Computer Science, Informatics, Electronics Engineering, Communication Network and Information Technologies.